1. How would you describe your music?

Conscious Hip Hop with a dash of r&b.

2. What gave you the idea for the single/album title?

I came up with the title “The Conscious Struggle”  because I am a conscious artist and its a struggle doing conscious music in an industry that promotes toxic, ego driven type of music.

3. Do you work together with others in the writing process?

I generally write my own verses and hooks for any collaboration projects with other artists. I strive to meet other artists in the middle as far as rapping styles and beats so that it’s a smooth collaboration.

4. How much time to do you take record songs?

Depends. Can be one day to four.

5. Does this release differ from past music releases? How?

This release doesn’t differ much from my last albums other than I used more sampling on the beats and collaborated with a couple new artists I hadn’t worked with before. However, my conscious message remains the same.

6. Do you like to change it up for each release with lyrical themes?

I change it up a bit, but the conscious message is the same.

7. Where do you draw your influences and inspirations from?

I draw my influences and inspirations from life and the direction I see the music industry taking. I see that we need more positive female role models in the rap world to empower young girls who want to be in the music industry. To show them that you can have integrity and self love and still be successful being a female artist.

8. What has been the most enjoyable thing you have done as a musician/singer/mc?

The most enjoyable thing I’ve done as a musician would have to be networking with other people in the truth community. I’ve worked with some incredible people who are doing so much to better the world and wake people up to the truths in the world.

9. What do you feel is the biggest challenge going forward with your career?

I would have to say that my biggest challenge going forward with my career is finding the time to achieve all the projects I’ve set out to do and organizing all my ideas into actual projects.

10. What do you enjoy outside of music?

I enjoy watching documentaries, creating art, listening to music and podcasts and spending time with my family.


About Fed Up

Mosh Shinobi is an independent YouTube channel featuring Ninja/Samurai, martial arts, and action movie content.
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