Interview with Forest of Shadows (Doom/Goth)

1. How would you describe your music?

Dark and melancholic with a few glimpses of light that shine through to add some contrast.

2. What gave you the idea for the single title?

It's inspired by a nightmare I had where I found myself in the water, struggling not to drown. Unfortunatelly I drowned in the end. At the end of the dream, before I woke up, I saw my cold dead body being dragged out of the water by grieving close ones. It was really disturbing. Analysing it, I think it was my unconsiousness dealing with the situation of thousands of people drowning in the mediterranean due to the state of world. A state I as a world citizen feel guilty of being part of and not doing very much about.

3. Do you work together with others in the writing process?

No. "Departure" was the last album where I wasn't the only person involved. Since then I try to do as much as possible myself to make it as personal as possible.

4. How much time to do you take record songs?

Well, the latest album "Among the Dormant Watchers" took almost 10 years to complete but I didn't work with the material all the time during that period. I normally record the songs over several years and iterate on it until I feel like I can't improve it more or until the song or songs feel complete.

5. Does this release differ from past music releases? How?

During the production of the last album there was a lot of things happening in my life that consumed lots of time and energy and there were long periods were I didn't spend any time at all with my music. This meant that it took quite some time to complete the album and during that time I got inspired by lots of different music that had an impact on my compositions. The end result is still classic "Forest of Shadows" material but there are a few songs and passages that stick out. Some are more brutal, some are more mellow, some are more metal and some are less metal. I guess it reflects the music I have been listening to for the last ten years which is primarily post rock and black metal.

6. Do you like to change it up for each release with lyrical themes?

Not really. I always make the songs instrumental and then write lyrics and add vocals at the end of the process. When I do so I collect random ideas and inspirations and see which fit which song. So far I haven't produced a concept album where the lyrics follow a common theme apart from dealing with the darker sides of life.

7. Where do you draw your influences and inspirations from?

For music it often start with some melody that just appears from nowhere, probably inspired by something but it's hard to pinpoint what. It can be just some random feeling, some songs I heard or something that just evolves while spending time with some instrument, quite often our piano. At the next stage when the fragments are pieced together to become a song I tend to be more inspired by specific bands or songs that have the feeling that I want to amplify. Quite often there are a few reference songs that I compare the songs to in order to get the right sound.

When it comes to lyrics I get inspired by the songs as these are always composed instrumental before I start writing lyrics. The songs can sometimes have an impact on the emotion of the lyrics based on if certain passages will be sung with clean or screamed vocals. The same goes for the length of he lyrics. I try not to fill the songs with vocals but instead keep some passages instrumental. The very core for each text is often based something I have experienced either in real life or thru some book, film or the state of the world. Quite often things get a bit over dramatic, especially if it's based on real life experiences. I try to move away from the cliche lyrics of the genre and try to reflect the real darkness in life. I try hard not to be political but there can be hidden messages and/or observations in some of the songs.

8. What has been the most enjoyable thing you have done as a musician/singer?

The most enjoyable thing was probably when I realized that people liked the stuff I, or at that time we, wrote. It's not like I write music for other people but the fact that other people like what you do sure makes it all more enjoyable. Also, if people didn't like the music I would probably have stopped making music, at least I wouldn't have any ambitions of releasing anything public.

9. What do you feel is the biggest challenge going forward with your career?

My music is not my career and I have no intentions of doing anything else than to keep producing albums every now and then. If someone would pay me more money for making music I would probaly be ok with that but if it conflicts with my life in general I would rather have it the way things work right now.

10. What do you enjoy outside of music?

I enjoy quite alot of things contrary to what people may think considering the dark music I make. Family, friends, music, work and everything else you can enjoy when living a privilige life in the west world with caring close ones. I guess it's that privilige that allows you to dive into the darkness without destroying yourself.


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Mosh Shinobi is an independent YouTube channel featuring Ninja/Samurai, martial arts, and action movie content.
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