1. How would you describe your music?

Herm, guitarist of WANTED INC:
Of course our music is Heavy Metal, especially based on Thrash Metal. Actually it’s one of a thrilling kind.

2. What gave you the idea for the single title? 

It’s not only a title; it’s the message, not to give in to inhuman systems and the stupidity of manipulating mass-medias, for example. Read our lyrics and you’ll find out more.

3. Do you work together with others in the writing process?

Every band-member contributes with single riffs or whole songs to the song-writing process. Then we arrange everything to this kind of music we love to play. Finally I write lyrics and find out vocal lines together with Stoner and the rest of the band.

4. How much time to do you take record songs?

Every song is written down in notation. Meanwhile we record our song-ideas as rough demos for ourselves, too. This makes it easier to introduce the other members to one’s composition.

To record “Embarrassment To The Establishment” took about half a year. We were in a studio to take the drums, to mix and master, what took just a few days. But guitars and vocals were recorded in our spare-time by home-recording piece by piece.

5. Does this release differ from past music releases? How?

We still like our past releases, but the new album shows more in every item, it’s heavier and more intelligent, richer in all what interesting music should keep. Our line-up has improved a lot when Roland and Dani came into the band and that’s the main reason why the new album is so much better than everything else we’ve done before. It’s a kind of Thrash Metal that never becomes boring. We’re proud of our work and happy with the quality of our musicianship and friendship. Hey, what could be better than playing in a Rock’n’Roll-band with your best friends?

6. Do you like to change it up for each release with lyrical themes?

The world doesn’t change to a better place from one album until the next, as a result lyrical themes are generally the same. We don’t plan a concept album, there are many different themes treated.

Our lyrics have been always more than accessories. They’ve something to say, are demanding and sophisticated, philosophizing poems.

7. Where do you draw your influences and inspirations from?

The jumble of the daily insanity fills my brain. The difficulty is to mix this with some cool ideas to get a good song. In addition to this, it helps to listen to Heavy Metal music all the time and visit other band’s shows. A good live-concert is always an outstanding source for inspiration. Up the asses, visit a metal-show!!!  

8. What has been the most enjoyable thing you have done as a musician/singer? 

We are a live-band. Doing a good show is the most enjoyable thing for me. To drink all the free beer I get at the shows is very enjoyable, too.

9. What do you feel is the biggest challenge going forward with your career?

An enduring challenge is to take the time for a band and music at this level, what we all do beside job and family. And it’s a challenge to keep such a great line-up together. So far, we already have begun working on new stuff for a future WANTED INC. album.  

Another thing is to find out how it runs with groupies. Actually this is an unsolved secret for us.

10. What do you enjoy outside of music?

There’s a life outside music with main emphasis on sexuality. Thank you very much for your questions.

About Fed Up

Mosh Shinobi is an independent YouTube channel featuring Ninja/Samurai, martial arts, and action movie content.
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